Autumn Evening

Autumn Evening Cocktail

With a deep orange color and a sweet, warming flavor the Autumn Evening is the perfect name for this specialty cocktail. Florida Straight Bourbon, maple syrup, orange, bitters, and rosemary come together in this delicious cocktail that incorporates elements of a classic Old Fashioned with an autumn twist. 

Adding all the ingredients to a shaker allows for the flavors to come together, and also crushes the rosemary, releasing the oils that provide the scent and taste. Make sure to strain your cocktail to avoid any loose leaves in your drink, although some folks might enjoy that extra herbal flavor!

For a smokier finish on the cocktail, ignite the rosemary until it begins to smoke, and trap it underneath the glass you will use. Prepare the cocktail as the smoke fills the glass, then add ice and your strained cocktail. For a dramatic presentation, you can ignite the rosemary garnish for a smoky finish that fills the glass and incorporates with the cocktail. 

Learn how to make the Autumn Evening below! 

Autumn Evening Cocktail



  1. Combine bourbon, lemon juice, honey and hot water in a warmed mug.

  2. Garnish with lemon wedge, cinnamon stick and star anise. Enjoy!


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